The Monkey King: Havoc in Heaven thumbnail
The Monkey King: Havoc in Heaven
Havoc in Heaven, also known as Uproar in Heaven, is a Chinese animated feature film directed by Wan Laiming and produced by all four of the Wan brothers. The film was created at the height of the Chinese animation industry in the 1960s, and received numerous awards. It earned the brothers domestic and international recognition. The stylized animation and drums and percussion accompaniment used in this film are heavily influenced by Beijing Opera traditions.
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Full Credits
  • Director:
    Cheng Tang, Wan Laiming,
  • Writer:
    Wan Laiming, Li Kuero,
  • Producer:
    Wan brothers,
  • Cast:
    Hans Alfredson, Yue-Feng Qiu, Hua Shang, Run-Sheng Fu, Ke Bi, Bi Ke, Shang Hua,
  • Music:
    Ying-Chu Wu,

Technical specifications

The Monkey King: Havoc in Heaven logo