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The Tic Code
"The Tic Code" tells the story of Miles, an extraordinary gifted twelve year-old who lives with his single mother, Laura, and shares a fierce love of jazz with his best friend Todd. Miles is distinguished for his musical brilliance yet also set apart by a neurological disorder. He must cope with the teasing and bullying of his classmates, but more importantly with the alienation of his father, a studio musician uncomfortable with his affliction. Sensitive to Miles' need for a father, Laura arranges for Miles to meet his idol, the legendary saxophonist Tyrone Pike. A breathless improvisational meeting between the two forges a friendship. Miles' desire for his mother to share in his new found love for Tyrone leads him into a child's innocent game of matchmaking.
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Full Credits
  • Director:
  • Writer:
    Polly Draper,
  • Producer:
    Midge Sanford, Polly Draper, Sarah Pillsbury, Larry Meistrich, Karen Tangorra,
  • Cast:
    Carol Kane, Desmond Robertson, Christopher George Marquette, Gregory Hines, Chris Marquette, Polly Draper, Tony Shalhoub,
  • Utility Stunts:
    Stephanie Finochio,

Technical specifications

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