The Bad News Bears thumbnail
the bad news bears
The success this underdog comedy from director Michael Ritchie almost single-handedly spawned the kids' sports film boom of the 1980s and '90s. When beer-breathed ex-minor-league ball player and professional pool cleaner Morris Buttermaker (Walter Matthau) agrees to coach a little league team in the San Fernando Valley, he soon finds he's in over his head, having inherited an assortment of pint-sized peons and talentless losers. They play well-organized teams and lose by tremendous margins, and the parents threaten to disband the Bears to save the kids (and themselves) any further embarrassment. Buttermaker refuses, though, and brings in a pair of ringers: Amanda (Tatum O'Neal), his ex-girlfriend's tomboy daughter, and Kelly (Jackie Earle Haley), a cigarette-smoking delinquent who happens to be a gifted athlete. With their help, the Bears manage to change their losing ways and qualify for the championship, where they face their arch-rivals, the Yankees.~ Jeremy Beday, All Movie Guide
Full Credits
  • Director:
    Michael Ritchie,
  • Producer:
    Stanley R. Jaffe,
  • Writer:
    Bill Lancaster,
  • Editor:
    Richard A. Harris,
  • Cinematographer:
    John A. Alonzo,
  • Cast:
    Walter Matthau, Erin Blunt, Vic Morrow, Ben Piazza, Tatum O'Neal, Joyce Van Patten,
  • Casting:
    Jane Feinberg, Mike Fenton,
  • Music:
    Jerry Fielding,

Technical specifications

The Bad News Bears