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television event
TELEVISION EVENT is an archive-based feature documentary that views the dramatic climax of the Cold War through the lens of a commercial television network, as it narrowly succeeds in producing the most watched, most controversial made-for-TV movie, THE DAY AFTER (1983). With irreverent humor and sobering apocalyptic vision, this film reveals how a commercial broadcaster seized a moment of unprecedented television viewership, made an emotional connection with an audience of over 100 million and forced an urgent conversation with the US President on how to collectively confront and resolve the most pressing issue of the time - nuclear proliferation.
Full Credits
  • Director:
    Jeff Daniels,
  • Editor:
    Aaron Wickenden,
  • Cinematographer:
  • Executive Producer:
    Dan Cogan, Jenny Raskin, Geralyn White Dreyfous,
  • Cast:
    Nick Meyer, Amanda Spain,

Technical specifications

Television Event