Set in the late Qing Dynasty, a 17-year-old Zhang who is born to a noble family has the ambition of becoming as powerful as her father, forced to accept a decision that her father is adopting her male cousin as the heir. Feeling the oppression, Zhang tries different things to sabotage the adoption: to start with, giving up her female identity and becoming a boy, herself. Meanwhile, a revolutionary group is recruiting. One of the rebels invades the house. Zhang is inspired by the rebel girl, decides to team up with her for the revolution and leaves the house where she doesn’t belong.
Full Credits
- Director:
- Writer:
- Producer:
- Cinematographer:
- Production Designer:
- Editor:
- Cast:Chao Sun, Qing Zhang, Shaun Wu, Nicole Jia, Anthony Tai, Gloria Ho, Henggao Li, Junru Wang, Russell Wong,
- Stunt Coordinator:Chris Yung,
Technical specifications
- Release:October 8, 2019
- Duration:18 min