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Little Brother
Yerken is nine years old and lives alone in a remote village in the mountains. When his older brother returns after a long absence, the young boy’s heart leaps with joy. But it doesn’t last long, his older brother has become a cold and heartless person… Serik Aprymov was born in 1960 in Kazakhstan and studied film at the Moscow Film School (VGIK). Along with other young directors from his country, he became part of the “new wave” of Kazakh cinema. At the Locarno Film Festival in 2004, he presented Okhotnik (The Hunter), in which a young boy suffers the contrast between the traditions of his people now on the decline and the progress of an increasingly urbanized new society.
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Full Credits
  • Director:
    Serik Aprimov,
  • Producer:
    Dinara Aprymova, Gulmira Aprymova,
  • Cinematographer:
    Alexander Rubanow,
  • Cast:
    Alisher Aprymov, Almat Galym,
  • Screenplay:
    Serik Aprimov,