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less than zero
""George Carlin was once asked how cocaine made you feel, and he answered: "It makes you feel like having some more cocaine." That inescap- able fact is at the bottom of Less than Zero, a movie that knows cocaine in- side out and paints a portrait of drug addiction that is all the more harrowing because it takes place in the Beverly Hills fast lane, in a world of wealth, sex, glamor and helpless self-destruction,"" Roger Ebert
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Full Credits
  • Director:
    Marek Kanievska,
  • Producer:
    Jon Avnet, Marvin Worth, Jordan Kerner,
  • Production Design:
    Barbara Ling,
  • Writer:
    Bret Easton Ellis / Harley Peyton, Harley Peyton,
  • Editor:
    Michael Tronick, Peter E. Berger,
  • Cinematographer:
    Edward Lachman,
  • Cast:
    Andrew McCarthy, Jami Gertz, Tony Bill, James Spader, Robert Downey Jr.,
  • Music:
    Thomas Newman,

Technical specifications

Less Than Zero